Advanced Flipbook Statistics

Performance statistics showing views, downloads and sources of where the publication was accessed from



The greatest benefit of a flipbook over a traditional PDF is the opportunity to collect and measure valuable statistics about your flipbook viewers and your flipbook’s content - giving you the opportunity to objectively measure your marketing investment & content curation.


With Paperturn, you have 2 options regarding statistics on your flipbooks:


1. Paperturn’s Built-in Statistics

Use Paperturn’s built-in statistics to gain simplified but insightful information on your readers and the source of how they came to view your flipbook. Get real-time data about the number of views, downloads, link clicks, device types, operating systems and more.


You can also download your statistical data into a CSV file or pre-designed PDF file by clicking ‘Download as .CSV’ or ‘Download as .PDF’ in the top right corner. 


Click below to see an example of Paperturn's pre-designed statistics report:

2. Google Analytics 4 Integration

For more advanced statistical data, you can integrate your flipbooks with your Google Analytics 4 account. With Paperturn you have the option to:


  • Set up Google Analytics 4 tracking on all of your flipbooks combined

  • Set up Google Analytics 4 tracking per individual flipbook


Visit our guides to learn more about our built-in statistics and how to integrate Google Analytics 4 on your Paperturn account or a specific flipbook.

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