How to insert pop-ups into your flipbook

With our new pop-up feature, you can add extra information to a product, show off additional pictures, insert links that let your readers jump directly to purchase sites and much more! There are so many ways to use our pop-up feature to boost your sales and add an additional layer of interactivity to your flipbooks that your readers will love! 


Follow the steps below to get started!


STEP 1: Choose the flipbook you’d like to add a pop-up to and click on the "LINKS/VIDEO & SEO" tab in the flipbook’s settings.


Image of the flipbook dashboard with the links/video and SEO menu option outlined



STEP 2: Select the page you want your pop-up inserted onto, and click on the “LINKS & VIDEOS” button in the right-hand menu. 

A page is selected in the editor with the links



STEP 3: Click on the “INSERT POP-UP” button.

n image of the options under the links



STEP 4: It’s time to create & customize your pop-up! 


(4.1) Starting with the “EDIT” tab, select the template you’d like to use on the left hand side; then, fill-in the template by inserting your title, description, button text etc.


An image of the pop-up options window, highlighting the pop-up template options and the information



(4.2) Next, the “DESIGN” tab lets you customize the design & colours for your pop-up. You can choose the icon that will display in the flipbook for people to click on, the icon’s color and more.

 An image of the pop-up options window on the design tab, showing the available design settings.



(4.3) Finally, the “PREVIEW” tab gives you a preview of how your pop-up will look when inserted.  It’s a great tool to use while you are in the editing process.An image of the pop-up options window, outlining the preview tab and showing the pop-up preview that


(4.4): Once you’re finished designing your pop-up, click the blue “OK” button and your pop-up will appear in your flipbook! 

An image of the pop-up options window with the OK button outlined. 



STEP 5: You can edit the size and placement of the pop-up icon once inserted. You can also edit the pop-up’s template / content by clicking on the “edit” option when selected. If you make any changes, make sure to click “SAVE CHANGES” in the right-hand menu. 


An image of the links  



STEP 6: See your pop-up live in action!  An image of the flipbook viewer open showing the completed pop-up.




If you liked this feature, check out our newsflash icon feature, video feature and shopping cart feature!


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